The Bluefaced Leicester is of the English Longwool type and originated near Hexham in the county of Northumberland, England during the early 1900's. The breed was originally developed to use in the production of high quality crossbred ewes. They originated from Border Leicester individuals selected for the blue face (white hairs on black skin) and finer fleeces. The average weight for mature rams is approximately 250 lbs (115 kg) with adult ewes weighing 175 lbs (80kg). The prolificacy of the breed is good with the lambing percentage from mature ewes being reported to range from 220 to 250 percent. The wool is classed as demi-luster and fine. The average fleece weight is 2-4.4 lbs (1-2 kg) and staple length is 8-15 cm. These wool qualities appear to be passed on to the crossbred offspring.